Video Retrieval Solution

Case Study: GreatVideoClip Ltd. copyrights protection

Problem background

A company which is owing copyrights for a huge set of many music video-clips would like to preserve its copyrights and uncover an illegal use of licensed video-content. They decided to monitor TV broadcasts of variety music TV channels and seek for the content which they owe.
Firstly the company bulit a workplace where employees were watching records of selected TV broadcasts and were evaluating particular video-clips. Using this approach they get wanting results. After analyses they found out the main problem as employees concentration. After many hours of watching TV and content checking the concentration of workers is rapidly decresing and the rate of missevaluated results increases. The second probelm was effectivity - human based broadcast evaluation was also very slow.
Company needed to find better solution, automated and as much as possible independent of human factor.

Solution using VideoMatching library

Solution of the above described problem is the typical task for VideoMatching library. In this case our library was integrated into a small and simple application with user and database interfaces. Firstly all new video clips of interest are preprocessed using the library and video flags are stored in video-clips database. The same procedure is executed on TV broadcast data and 24 hours broadcasts flags are stored in Music TV Channels database. The only task of system operator is to insert new video-clips and actual broadcasts to the system and start evaluation. During the evaluation clip flags and TV channels flags are matched together and all found corespondences are stored into the day-report file.

What are the benefits of VideoMatching library integration:

  • full automation of video content detecion
  • reduced storage requirement for video data
  • very fast data processing and evaluation
  • high reliability of content detection

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